PCOS Vegetarian Meal Plan - 14 Days

PCOS Vegetarian Meal Plan - 14 Days


If you're living with PCOS, we understand it can be overwhelming. A quick Google search can send you down a rabbit hole of nutrition misinformation. You'll hear quick-fix promises, restrictive "off limits" food lists and to be frank, unsustainable advice.

Here at The Good Life Dietitian, we like to take an "abundance" approach. This means, we focus on adding, rather than taking out, foods to support your hormones. Gentle nutrition, movement, stress and sleep management is an essential piece of managing your symptoms.

That's why we created this meal plan - to help you take one step forward towards managing your PCOS through foods, without restriction and guilt.

This meal plan is designed to offer you tons of variety, delicious and diverse recipes, all PCOS-friendly and hormone balancing.

PCOS Vegetarian Meal Plan Foundations

Here you will find a 14-day PCOS-friendly vegetarian meal plan that is:

  • High in plant proteins, with at least 80g per day. Protein helps to stabilize insulin levels and provide long-lasting energy and satiation.

  • High in fibre. Fibre is a superstar. It helps slow rate of blood sugar absorption, stabilize insulin levels and feeds the "good" gut bacteria, ultimately improving digestion and overall health.

  • High in antioxidants, helping to fight free radical damage in our cells and reduce inflammation found in many bodies with PCOS.

  • High in healthy, unsaturated fats. Fat is essential for the production and maintenance of hormones. Plus, unsaturated fats can help reduce inflammation and risk of heart disease.

What’s included in your meal plan:

  • 14 days of delicious and nutritious recipes, including 3 meals and 2 snacks per day.

  • Nutrition analysis for individual recipes and overall daily intake.

  • Itemized grocery lists.

  • Ingredient substitutions and meal prep tips.

  • Colourful photos of recipes.

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