30-Day PCOS Meal Plan and Food Guide Bundle

30-Day PCOS Meal Plan and Food Guide Bundle


Choose the 30-Day PCOS Meal Plan and Food Guide Bundle if you…

  • Crave a tasty PCOS-friendly diet but feel overwhelmed with recipe research and meal prep.

  • Lead a busy life and are looking for evidence-based, easy-to-make PCOS meals.

  • Just completed the Complete Guide to PCOS Management course or 1-on-1 nutrition coaching, and want to maintain your symptoms with no-brainer nutrient-rich meals. 

  • Are tired of wasting time, money, energy, and food on disappointing PCOS meals. 

  • Feel frustrated with restrictive dieting that leaves you hungry and your PCOS symptoms worse.

After a month of nourishing your PCOS, you’ll walk away with:

  • A bank of anti-inflammatory, nutrient-rich, budget-friendly PCOS recipes that’ll leave you full and satisfied. 

  • A PCOS-friendly pantry stocked with recipe staples.

  • Empowerment knowing that you’re making food that is good for you. 

  • Essential resources to better manage your PCOS symptoms.

  • Reduced spending and stress on groceries and meal prep.

  • Customizable recipes based on dietary restrictions. 

Here’s what’s included:

  • 45 PCOS-Friendly Recipes: Get 45 meals over 30 days. In Girl Math, that’s $1.28 per recipe or $1.90 a day!
    (Omnivore and vegetarian options available)

  • Complete PCOS Grocery List with Product Recommendations: Curated by an expert dietitian to simplify shopping.

  • Pantry Staple Guide for PCOS: Equipped to keep your kitchen stocked with recipe essentials.

  • Food Substitution List for PCOS: Easily adapt your meals to be vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free or vegan.

  • PCOS Food Safety Guide: Ensure what you put in your body is good for you and won’t make you sick.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What if I'm vegetarian/vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, etc?

We offer both plant-based and omnivore 30-Day PCOS Meal Plans!

As part of your Food Guide Bundle, you will also receive a detailed Food Substitutions list to show you how to modify the recipes to meet specialized diets.

I'm living with chronic diseases in addition to PCOS (diabetes, heart disease, etc). Are these meal plans appropriate for me?

It may be. These recipes are curated to be PCOS-friendly. However, the nutritional benefits of these meal plans are not exclusive to PCOS management. You may experience secondary positive health outcomes.

Nutrition information is based on Canadian and U.S. guidelines. Please note, this meal plan is not to be substituted for medical advice or individualized medical nutrition therapy.

Do you have any other resources for managing PCOS?
Absolutely! We have our PCOS Recovery Program and Complete Guide to PCOS Management course, which will teach you everything you need to know about managing PCOS with diet and lifestyle.

We also offer 1-on-1 nutrition coaching programs to help you develop tailored, sustainable healthy eating habits to manage PCOS long-term.

Is this product covered by my insurance?

It may be covered through your Health Spending Account or Wellness Spending Account. Contact your insurance provider for details.