Registered Dietitians (RD) undergo comprehensive and rigorous training, including:

  • Graduation from an accredited 4-year undergraduate degree in dietetics and nutrition

  • Over 1200 hours of supervised practical training through an accredited program (Combined Masters/Practicum program or Dietetic Internship)

  • Successful completion of the Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination

  • Ongoing participation in Quality Assurance Program to ensure continuing competence

You can rest assured that your patient is in good hands, as dietitans are held to a strong professional standard that prioritizes evidence-based, safe and ethical care.

Our dietitians believe fervently in interdisciplinary care. Whether you are a medical doctor, nurse, social worker, or therapist, you can refer your patient to our clinic. They will receive inclusive, evidence-based medical nutrition therapy to help increase their ability to self-manage their condition through diet and lifestyle.

To learn more, please visit College of Dietitians of Ontario.